
Striking, Symptoms Characteristic of Many Diseases for Quick Reference and Comparison When In Doubt Before Calling The Doctor Mom Should Know


Loss of appetite. It can be nausea and vomiting. It is usually a sudden onset of pain, acute and often severe whole or part of the abdomen. Later the pain settles in the right groin. The patient is placed on his back with his right knee. The muscles become stiff on the right side and later a bump appears in the right groin (Fossa iliaca).


This disease is a decrease in the total amount of blood its red blood cells or red blood cells or their hemoglobin, the dye of red blood cells. Some difficulty breathing. Palpitations of the slightest exertion tend to lead to failure, headache, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite or, digestive problems, constipation, cold hands and feet, difficult and painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge. If the skin is pale, yellowish-green color, perhaps with reddened cheeks, it could well be called chlorosis or "green disease.


Great weakness, stomach disorder and intestines, weak heart and dark coloration (pigmentation) of the skin.


Albumin and throws in the urine. The beginning is usually gradual. There pallor and swelling of the eyelids, ankles or hands in the morning. Later increased wateriness of the face and extremities, pale yellow complexion, dyspepsia, constipation and heart problems.

BRONCHITIS, acute. (Cold chest.)

There is a seal under the sternum feeling, with a dry hard cough and headache. This cough can feel raw and painful chest, especially in the face.


The beginning is usually suddenly with nausea, vomiting and stomach pain similar to cramping; First vomited stomach contents. Cleanup follows; Vomiting and with severe cramps in the abdomen and legs rinsing.


The child suddenly wakes up, perhaps at midnight with a squeaky cough, shortness of breath, and it seems that he could not take breath again. Then there is a simple and fast spasm repeated repeatedly.


There is anemia and progressive weight loss. A particular skin color (cachexia), irregular vomiting, some bleeding "coffee-ground" color. Gradual weight loss. Pulling or burning in the abdomen area.


Light fever and felt fresh. In twenty-four hours the rash of the body, face, and forehead is often only a few marked red spots, the soon rounded vesicles; However, it may be few or many.


The onset is gradual, glucose (sugar) is persistent in the urine. Great surrender urine; Six to forty pints within twenty-four hours. Thirst is great. Large amounts of water are removed. The loss of strength and weight, dry mouth, tongue is red and shiny, the skin dry and wrinkled.


The disease begins gradually, usually with cold sensations, pain in the back and the limbs, the pulse is faster, with a general redness of the throat before the formation of the membrane, with such symptoms before great weakness, pallor, and stinking breath. Soon a spot or stain can be seen on the almonds, suppository or palate, but in a day or a dirty white spot seen on the almonds and can spread it, and with it is a weakness, pallor, loss of appetite and fever. When the membrane almond is removed, it remains a rough surface and the membrane reforms rapidly.


The appearance can be characterized with small frequent stools with blood and mucus, accompanied by a high tension (urinary urge) by a spasm, felt by diarrhea, followed by severe bowel pain.

DYSPESIA, acute. (Acute gastritis, acute digestion disorder)

Distress in the stomach, headache, thirst, nausea, vomiting, heavily used tongue, mouth odor, aversion to food, tender stomach.

Sore throat (ERYSIPELAS)

The beginning is suddenly high fever, and local redness with clearly defined span between her and healthy skin. It often occurs on the nose and spreads on a cheek or both. It can only show a smooth skin increases, or it can be vesicles.


This is very common in children. It often comes as an extension through the Eustachian channel of a cold. Pain is evidence of congestion or inflammation in the ear. The child broke into crying violently and nothing seems to stop him. He can cry for a while and then stop. When he is still very young, he is restless and wants to move constantly, and refuses to be comforted by the soothing embrace of his mother. It is quiet just moments in a time, and renewed their crying and restlessness. The cries and moans seem desperate cries. A child or a child in this way should cry and should not be breastfeed, should be applied to the ear by earaches and hot applications of dry or moist heat are suspected. If these symptoms are neglected, in a few days, you are likely to be a discharge from the external auditory meatus (meatus) and possibly permanent damage can be caused to the drum membrane by ulcers. Hot water poured into the ear frequently freed together ears.


Suddenly agonizing pain in the right upper abdomen in the liver area, with vomiting, exhaustion, tenderness in this region. The pain usually comes in intervals in seizures. There may be pain during the weeks in the stomach if the stroke is not present and the patient might think that the stomach is the seat of the difficulty.


The pain is severe and worse in the night, the iris appears cloudy, muddy, the pupil is small. There are congestion around the iris (Ciliar-Stau).


The pain will kidney down through the ureter into the bladder in the hodensack. It can be sand in the urine, which makes it look like blood.


The beginning is usually sudden, with cooling, and all symptoms of an active fever, headaches, neck bones, general pain all over the body. A feeling of extreme weakness; You feel miserable and sick.

LOCK-JAW (tetanus)

History of a wound. Jaw muscles can be stiff and fixed. When spasms are present, the muscles are stiff and hard for a while.

FEVER Malaria-

Chill, fever and sweat, or step may be absent. It can only be a slight feeling of fever with fever almost all day and forgiveness.


Swelling is forward and downward and behind the ear. Hard to eat and swallow vinegar is almost impossible.


Continue gradually. It is a feeling of fatigue and listlessness, followed by headaches briefly by sneezing, coryza symptoms, watery eyes, dry throat, cough, like a cold in the head, but with a cough persevering and hard. The rash appears first in the sides of the mouth, which in the inner surface of the cheeks, lips, gums and soft palate, the size of a pinhead to that of a split pea. It appears on the eyes, and on the face, on the chest, and on the extremities. It is first in the red spots and is then dyed. This is usually three to six days after the onset of cold symptoms (catarrh).

MEASLES (German)

Heat, light fever, pain in the back and legs, sniffing. The rash appears first or second day, on the face and chest, and within twenty-four hours of whole body. To dilate the glands under the jaw.

Ophthalmia NEONATOIRE. (Inflammation of the eyes at birth)

Severe conjunctivitis in newborns, usually swelling and redness of the eyes, performed the second or third day after birth; Very soon there is a relief, and soon there will be creamy pus running eyes when the lids are separated.


The beginning may be sudden or gradual. With a sudden cold, fever, strong point acute pain in the side, aggravated by breathing, cough or movement. The cough is dry. The pain is close to the chest and sometimes extends to the back.


It begins with a cold, fever, pain in the lungs, sputum with cough and loss of material can be mixed with blood (rusty sputum). Then, as the rapid rise in temperature, "grinding" breathing, nostrils are widened and the cheeks flushed.


A number of seals are involved. There is a connection to another, very painful joints; profuse sweating.


The onset is sudden and introduced by cooling, nausea and vomiting, headache and severe back pain and legs, without grip symptoms. There is a rapid rise in temperature. Usually the fourth day after the start is small red spots on the forehead on the hairline and on the wrists. The temperature drops with the occurrence of the rash.


Marked loss of appetite, cooling, projectile vomiting, severe headaches, pain and stiffness of the back and neck. Later, the head is retracted, often the back is stiff. Neck and back muscles are very delicate.

SCARLET FEVER. (Scarlatina)

Suddenly, with vomiting, headache, sick stomach, perhaps vomiting, high fever, sore throat, vomiting may persist. The tongue is coated, the edges are red; Later it is red and rough; The so-called raspberry ore. Usually within twenty-four a rash appears first on the neck and chest, which spreads quickly to the face and the body. The eruption consists of red elevations tip the size of a pinhead, very close together, so the body seems to be covered with a scarlet. If you look closely, you can see these small picky elevations.


Irregular temperatures, breathing is more frequent than normal, a fast pulse, cough, ejection, night sweats, perhaps, and the general failure of strength.

TONSILITIS. (Smooth and Follicular)

Starts with a cooling, a rapid rise in temperature, a general pain in the back and above the legs. The almonds are large and red and spots can occur on them within hours. It may be patches, but a smooth; Red, swollen almonds, sometimes swollen to enormous size. The stain and the membrane, if present, are easily rubbed, and when this is done, we see a shining surface, but not raw, as in diphtheria.


There is a feeling sick for a week or two and the patient can not work much, not sleep well, dream, a dull headache, neck can be steep again, nose bleed sometimes with a feeling like when there is some fever, feeling always weak Uncomfortable Finally, the fever etc. becomes more prominent with constipation and diarrhea.


Light hurts the eyes a lot, tears flow freely and there is a feeling of something in the eye. The eyeball shows a rim congestion around the cornea rose. To see the ulcer.


Pain, local delicacy, bleeding. Distress and vomiting after a strongly acidic fluid. Pain in the abdomen area and usually acute back pain is the most constant symptom. It is suddenly increased by the food and facilitated by vomiting. The pressure sensitivity is usually marked and localized.


Starts with cold symptoms in the eyes, nose and chest. Cough gradually worsens, usually seven to ten days; It comes in attacks (spells) and then the scream.
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